If you follow the simple rules and advice in this article, you can become a millionaire!

I will not hide it, it is possible to become a millionaire without knowing these principles at all, without following them, and even by acting in spite of them. However, your chances will increase significantly if you do not neglect the following useful financial tips:

1. Get in the habit of keeping track of your income and expenses electronically or in writing. You can download free excel spreadsheets for family budgeting on our website.

Get rid of credit cards, consumer loans and other debts. Debts can be psychologically stressful, stressful and make people worry about the future. In the end, for the use of other people’s money, you will pay not only with your money, but also with your health and your energy.

3. Stop borrowing money altogether. People usually spend 30% more on average when they buy things on credit than they would if they paid for the same thing with their own money. In addition, things bought on credit are sometimes several times more expensive than their true price.

4. Live within your means. When you break this rule, you lose harmony in your life. You spend money you have not earned, In fact, using something that does not belong to you, you can lose it at any time! Realize the difference between your needs – what you really need, and your desires – what “it would be nice to have. Prioritize so that first you cover all your needs, and what is left to sink into wants and entertainment.

5. Avoid impulse purchases and unnecessary spending. Make a shopping list before you go to the store and stick to it.

6. Work on increasing your income. Find out exactly what you get paid for and develop in that area. Acquiring more knowledge in a narrow niche, expanding your scope of expertise and responsibility, improving the quality of the work you do, and getting the job done faster can be the key to increasing your income.

7. Don’t expect quick results. Increased income is the result of long and regular work, so have patience and start moving toward your goal in small increments.

8. Create and acquire additional sources of income. The secret to financial stability for many successful people is multiple sources of income.

9. Treat money with respect-your money is your “conserved” time and energy you spent earning it.

10. Take care of your money – do not spend it on gambling, pyramid schemes or dubious businesses or deals.

Do not lend money, because there is a great risk of ruining your relationship with people and losing the money. Let the banks do their job.

12 Don’t throw away even a little money. A penny saves not only the ruble, but the dollar and the euro too!

13. Give up bad financial habits, which regularly take money out of your wallet, but do not give you the same pleasure as before. We spend money to get some emotions. For the same price, different things can bring different amounts of emotions. For instance, a 200-ruble coffee you used to drink in a cafe in the afternoon no longer evokes delight and satisfaction, but it still costs your budget 1,000 rubles a week. For the same thousand you could get a lot more emotion by going for a massage or a movie.

14. Don’t hesitate to ask for a discount and take advantage of special offers. It will probably be more profitable for the seller to offer you a discount and sell the product than to refuse the discount and not sell anything.

15. Study the literature on financial literacy. Your well-being is directly related to your level of financial literacy!

16. Make yourself a personal financial plan and follow it.

17. Pay yourself first – it’s too late to try to save money after you’ve already spent it. Set aside some money for your financial goals as soon as you get it.

18. Investing is easier and more affordable than you think. In addition, some financial instruments allow you to automate the process in many ways. The main thing is to understand, is it so important for you, that you are ready to start acting?

19. Buy the quality stuff you need. Quality products tend to cost more, but they are cheaper to use.

20. Make sure that your income always grows faster than your expenses. Your income must always be greater than your expenses. This is a basic principle of financial well-being.

21. Always count your money, even if it is small. Small daily expenditures can add up to huge sums over years and even larger ones over decades. Every time you tell yourself, “1000 rubles isn’t money; I wouldn’t mind losing it,” you’re robbing yourself of the tens and hundreds of thousands in the future that one thousand would have made if you had invested it wisely.

21. Always count your money, even if it’s small. Small daily expenditures can add up to huge sums over years and even larger ones over decades. Every time you say to yourself, “1000 rubles isn’t money; it’s easy to lose,” you’re robbing yourself of the tens and hundreds of thousands in the future that one thousand would have become if you had invested it wisely.

22. Compare prices in different places before you buy something. It’s best to measure the price in hours of your life-how long you’ll have to work to accumulate the right amount for that purchase. That way it’s easier for you to compare the price of the item you’re paying with its value to you. Are you willing to give up an hour of your life for a cup of coffee? Or a month of your life for a new phone?

23. Listen to the advice of professionals: in matters of health listen to your doctor, talk to your trainer about physical fitness, discuss your personal finances with your personal financial advisor. Of course, you can, of course, understand everything on your own, self-medicate, and make up your own lumps. But if quick and quality results are important to you, then apply to the corresponding specialists.

24. Do not envy other people, and learn from them what they know better than you.

25. Realize that your financial well-being depends entirely on you and your actions.

If you want to solve your financial problems, but don’t know where to start and what to do first, be sure to sign up for a free consultation with a personal financial advisor. A financial advisor is like a family doctor: he will diagnose you, suggest possible treatment options, choose the necessary medicines and control the process of recovery.