How to Create an SEO Strategy

Did you know that 90% of the internet uses Google to search for information? What if your business was the first thing they saw? Your conversions would go through the roof!

It might sound like a dream, but rest assured, that top spot on Google is attainable…with the right strategy, of course. You’ll need to devise an SEO strategy that benefits your audience while simultaneously growing your business.

Keep reading to find out how to create an SEO strategy that sticks the landing and helps you meet your goals!

Consider Where You Are

The best SEO strategy doesn’t simply look forward. It requires a good, honest look at your business’ digital fingerprints and how that’s affecting your bottom line.

Gather as much data as you can on your current performance metrics. Then, gather your team and go through said data so you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Don’t underestimate those weaknesses, either. Changing those issues is a fantastic step toward transforming your SEO strategy.

Set Realistic Goals

Now that you have a better understanding of where your current SEO strategy falters, you can focus on where you want to head in the future. That means setting goals, and lots of them!

The best goals are those that are within reasonable reach of your team. While it’s good to shoot for the stars, keep in mind that not every goal is inherently realistic.

You’re not going to triple your business in 6 months, for example. But you could definitely improve your visibility by 30% in 6 months.

Ask For Help

By the same token, there’s no rule saying that the best SEO strategy has to come from your internal team. Bringing in some outside help from a dedicated SEO growth organization can take your SEM campaign to the next level, all while allowing your team to continue focusing on important in-house tasks.

Even if you think your team can handle it, outsourcing still might be a great solution for your business.

Hiring a marketing agency gives you access to tools that you might not have otherwise. Imagine knowing about the most in-demand keywords before the competition!

Check Your Progress Often

Whether you’re creating an SEO strategy with your in-house team, an outsourced team, or both, you’ll need to check in often. SEO changes all the time, and not every tactic is going to hit.

That’s why it’s so important to check back and see what still needs improvement. If you catch a mistake early on, you’ll still have plenty of time to fix it.

Set weekly or biweekly meetings with your marketing execs to see how you’re stacking up.

Create an SEO Strategy That Works

Building the right SEO strategy takes time. Stay patient, but keep checking in with your metrics. The more you understand your audience’s search intentions, the easier it’ll be to reach them.

For more tips on how to create an SEO strategy, or if you’re looking to stay motivated in the world of business, make sure to check out the rest of our blog content!

The post How to Create an SEO Strategy appeared first on Style Motivation.
