Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

I am one of those people who has too many ballpens even though I don’t use them all. I also have a lot of unsharpened pencils which are more for display since I don’t want to actually use them. My stationery addict logic is that if I use these pencils, they will not last forever and I will lose their decorative aspect eventually. But this concept for a reimagined pencil just might be a tool that I can actually use since it can last longer.

Designer: Gabrilevich Design

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

The Da Vinci Pencil brands itself as “more than just a pencil” as it can also serve as a bookmark when you’re not using it for your original purpose. It is made through advanced 3D printing technology and adapts a minimalist design despite its multi purpose function. What makes it different from other pencils is that it can last longer, for years even, than the usual, traditional pencils that need to be sharpened and will eventually last for just a few weeks if used reguarly.

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

The nib of the pencil is made from a high-performance metal alloy which can make it last from 7-10 years “under normal conditions”. It is made from PLA-CF (Polylactic Acid with Carbon Fiber) making it strong but lightweight. There is no need to sharpen or refill and lets you write smoothly on the page, similar to the traditional graphite that ordinary pencils use. It is also durable and lightweight and is thin enough that you can use it as a bookmark in your book or notebook without damaging the page. It is also ergonomically shaped so you can grip it naturally while writing.

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

The minimalist but stylish look of the Da Vinci Pencil makes it premium-looking but the 3D printed aspect will probably not make it that expensive when it will eventually be produced. It is a more eco-friendly alternative to regular and mechanical pencils since it can last longer and doesn’t need any other tools or materials for you to continue using it.

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark

The post Da Vinci Pencil concept is an eco-friendly and minimalist writing tool and bookmark first appeared on Yanko Design.


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