It’s easy to see why eco-consciousness has caught on in a big way in recent years. With the devastating impact of climate change becoming increasingly apparent with each new natural disaster, it’s only natural that many of us would want to do our part to help offset the effects. The more eco-conscious your household, the smaller your family’s carbon footprint. In addition to being the environmentally responsible thing to do, going green can also help save you untold sums in energy costs. This can prove particularly helpful during the summer months, when many households have their AC running around the clock. Anyone in the market for eco-conscious cooling solutions would do well to take the following measures upon summer’s return.
Install Strategically Placed Ceiling Fans
Although many people tend to view ceiling fans as ineffective alternatives to air conditioning, this isn’t always the case. For one thing, ceiling fans can complement the efforts of your home’s AC by evenly distributing the cool air it produces throughout the entire house. This can be particularly effective in households that have ceiling fans installed in key areas. Furthermore, ceiling fans can sometimes take the place of air conditioning entirely. During the summer months, set your fan blades to spin counterclockwise. This will result in the fans blowing air downward and creating a cool breeze. Ceiling fans can also double as lighting fixtures. So, if you’ve been looking to light up any area of your residence, there’s no time like the present to start searching for
Use Naturally Cooled Air to Your Advantage
In many areas, temps tend to get chillier once the sun goes down. While this can prove uncomfortable and inconvenient throughout the winter months, it can be a gift to eco-conscious households during the summertime. After the sun sets, turn off the AC, open your windows and allow your ceiling fans to circulate cool air all around your home.
Seal Doors and Windows
Most homes lose a fair amount of air through their doors and windows. This makes indoor temps cooler during the winter and hotter during the summer – and can add quite a bit to your heating and cooling costs. Fortunately, there are a number of simple ways you can nip escaped air in the bud. First off,
Hang Sun-Blocking Window Dressings
The sun’s powerful UV rays stand to increase the temperature in your home, thereby causing your AC to work even harder. While the sun’s natural warmth can be convenient during the winter months, it can prove downright annoying throughout the summer. To help prevent sun-based temperature increases, outfit your home’s windows with sun-blocking curtains. As the name suggests, these curtains are designed to prevent sunlight from finding its way into key areas. Sun-blocking curtains can be particularly useful in parts of your home that receive excessive sunlight.
Invest in Energy-Efficient AC
While some households are able to get by without air conditioning, this simply isn’t an option for most families. Depending on how hot it gets in your neck of the woods, functional AC may be an absolute necessity. To help minimize the environmental impact of running your AC, consider investing in energy-efficient air conditioners.
With climate change making its presence more apparent by the day, it is incumbent on all of us to do what we can to offset its effects. Fortunately, contrary to popular misinformation, this doesn’t have to entail making dramatic alterations to our lifestyles. Not only can eco-friendliness prove beneficial to the planet, it can also help keep your finances intact – particularly throughout the summer months.
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