wow, it’s been a soggy week here in california and i know we need the rain, but we may have reached capacity for the moment. i hope all of you in northern california are staying safe and dry, and not canoeing down the avenues, as i saw on the news this morning. yipes. this week’s friday finds are all about staying cozy and if you are planning on braving the world outside, i’m recommending always having a pair of floral shears on hand — read on, dear friends and I’ll explain. and have a warm and relaxing long holiday weekend. x, v.

this is such a soothing bedroom space from u.k.-based interior design and architectural firm red deer, founded by friends lionel real de azúa, ciarán o’brien, and lucas che tizard. inspired by their client’s travel all over the world from copenhagen to mykonos and tulum, the color palette just says, ‘ahhhhh’.’ the artwork as a headboard is really beautiful too — it may be a faye wei wei painting but i’ can’t find confirmation of that. but the entire home is colorful and creative, so have a look.

i don’t know what it is exactly i love so much about this drapery-detailed nightstand, but while its swags could be considered too precious in the wrong environment, it’s anything but. i think its that modern michael bargo lamp and the framed 1960s polaroid taken by the artist’s grandfather that mixes things up and creates an interesting and eclectic vibe. have a peek at the inspiring new york apartment of collage artist elle mcgrath on architectural digest.

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