well, as they say — no time like the present. and i don’t know if you’re like me, but all those little projects i’ve procrastinated on for-like-ever are now staring me straight in the face day in and day out. so, it might be a nice time to look at these extended days at home as a gift (instead of claustrophobia) and just dive in and take on those projects head-on. one of my to-do’s is some kitchen shelving and organizing my kitchen gear and collectibles. i built some in my old home but i think it’s time to put some up here in the laguna cottage. i love how clean and well-organized these kitchen shelves look and they’re inspiring me to get this project going. i love the pretty built-ins, the vintage cabinetry, and the colored glassware collections really make me smile. i hope you find some inspiration here to get your own projects going.
• photography credits in the order of appearance:
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