this week’s picture this is a tad whimsical and features a few of my personal favorite artists and feature ‘interiors’. from the colorful world of french painter henri matisse to author and illustrator maira kalman these illustrations and paintings really spark joy for me. they’re colorful, quite primitive and one might even say some are a little juvenile, but that’s just due to their colorful, rule-breaking style — the dimensions and scale may be off on these interiors, but that’s their charm. if you like this particular style, i think you’d like some of maira kalman’s books including My Favorite Things, The Principles of Uncertainty, and the elements of style, and the works of contemporary artists like mamma andersson, bella foster, and genieve figgis. these kinds of works of art make me want to get my sketchbook and paints out and try my hand at painting again! enjoy.