effortlessly styled kitchen tools in ceramic vases. / sfgirlbybay

when it comes to styling or rather the ‘unstyled, but styled look’ (stay with me here) i’m gonna give big props to interior designer leanne ford. leanne just makes it look effortless (see above and just below) — which is really the desired effect. the organized but cohesive chaos, but not too over-thought look is always my idea of great style. the french do it impeccably too, and as i try to dissect what it is about these looks that i love the most i think it’s just the idea that these stylists have gathered belongings and collections that actually mean something or have a real sentimental value to their owners. it’s hard to define because sometimes less is more, and other times cluttered overkill looks amazing — like in many of leanne’s looks. balance is key, but keeping true to your heart is always the best start. if you decorate with collections you love you can’t help but make it perfectly styled and uniquely you.

vintage decor and ceramic dishes styled by designer leanne ford. / sfgirlbybay

yellow and green ceramics styled on white shelves. / sfgirlbybay

effortlessly styled ceramics and home decor. / sfgirlbybay

ceramic bust and houseplants styled on top of white bookshelves. / sfgirlbybay

effortlessly styled collections. / sfgirlbybay

white kitchen backsplash with simple styled decor on open shelf. / sfgirlbybay

simply styled ceramics on wood shelf. / sfgirlbybay

effortlessly styled ceramics collection in custom wood shelving unit. / sfgirlbybay

inspiring ceramic collection and simple styled kitchenwares and goods. / sfgirlbybay

whitewashed kitchen with open shelving. / sfgirlbybay

simple styled bathroom vignette. / sfgirlbybay

rustic wood shelves styled with ceramics and dried florals. / sfgirlbybay

• photography credits in order of appearance: leanne ford interiors; @lieblingsblicke; @brit_gill; house of c; freunde von freunden; grupo arca; @ohsiesta; liberty infinity; @herz.und.blut; toast uk; remodelista; @brit_gill; my scandinavian home; lotta agaton; my paradissi; @lenacorwin; @tintaluhrman; in bed store ; from moon to moon; frenchy fancy; @un_fold_ed; @aliciamlund; lean timms photography.

The post a less-styled life. appeared first on sfgirlbybay.


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