a little bit about art today! like a lot of us, when it comes to decorating with art, i get a little stuck — at least at first. when i moved into to my new place in laguna i had a lot of internal struggles about which art to hang and where, and honestly, i’m still changing it up! i also like a lot of different kinds of art, so i get inspired when i see eclectic home galleries put together in what looks quite effortless. i envy that and strive to emulate the look. i’m still a work in progress and will probably stick to a more minimalist look, but here’s what’s inspiring me right now — from simple to wildly eccentric, i kinda love it all. whether it’s an eclectic gallery wall, to sculptures or art simply leaning against the wall to artwork placed in unexpected spots (like kitchens — j’adore!) art is as unique and special as you are. it’s all so subjective. we like what we like and we know it when we see it.
clockwise, l to r:
• all other photography credits in order of appearance:
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