white stack of decor books. / sfgirlbybay

I don’t know about you but I have a major weakness for coffee table books. Although I rarely find a free moment to crack the spines and thumb through the pages of my favorites, something about seeing them adorn bookshelves (and basically all of the flat spaces in my home) makes me incredibly happy. I feel smarter, more cultured, and all around better for their company!

While the books on my shelves have been nothing if not loyal, right now I’m in the market for a few more beautiful books to stack endlessly and dust off regularly. True to character, I’ve got my eye on pretty covers, botanical themes, and an ode to California living. Keep scrolling for the fifteen titles that are on my wishlist right now!

What are your favorite coffee table books?

xx, chelsea

coffeetable books. / sfgirlbybay

top row: kahlo by andrea kettenman; super extra natural!; house of plants.
second row: urban botanics; weekend utopia; surf shack.
third row: cabinet of natural curiosities; it’s beautiful here; commune: designed in california.
fourth row: modern originals; cacti in colour; herb lubalin.
bottom row: living with pattern: color, texture, and print at home; plant style; daily life: project by gert vorjans.

super extra natural book. / sfgirlbybay

coffee table book collection. / sfgirlbybay

15 coffee table books to liven up your shelves. / sfgirlbybay

• photo of victoria’s home by lily glass for sfgirlbybay; Super Extra Natural!: Images from Japan via urban outfitters; books on coffee table via venue report; Plant Style via urban outfitters.

The post best of: 15 coffee table books to liven up your shelves. appeared first on sfgirlbybay.


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