well, we’re jetting back to paris again for this week’s wear this there — at least in a bit of armchair traveling, but we’re visiting somewhere quite new. we’ll be spending the weekend at the very charming hotel des academies des arts. it’s an extremely artsy boutique hotel — incredible ceiling FRESCOES CREATED BY THE ARTIST FRANCK LEBRALY ADORN THE CEILINGS OF THE LOBBY and some of the rooms, and as guests of the hotel we can attend live drawing classes across the street at the Academie De La Grande Chaumiere — c’est très gentil! their workshop café is a place of community and conversation — as Travelers, we’ll cross paths with students from the Academy of Arts located opposite and exhibiting artists in the hotel. such a well-designed hotel and their website is equally stylish all beautifully photographed by beniot linero — i love this city walks webpage they’ve so kindly set up. we’re going to mix and match again, beginning with our favorite jeans and french Bensimon sneakers, paired with a classic cotton blazer and tank top worn with a sunhat, layered baubles, and bandana. for the evening we’re going to slip into a sweater dress, worn with a crochet shrug and some comfy, but chic sandals to take all those walks they’ve outlined for us. i’ve included some girlie pj’s for when you finally wind down for the day and suggest reading hotel du lac by anita brookner. it tells the story of edith hope, who writes romance novels under a pseudonym but when her life begins to resemble the plots of her own novels, edith flees to Switzerland, where the quiet luxury of the hotel du lac promises to restore her to her senses but instead attracts the attention of a worldly man determined to release her unused capacity for mischief and pleasure. i loved it!