file under pop: even the name is rad. their whole clever collection is file-worthy and definitely packs a pop. but ever so tastefully — paint, wallpaper, tile, and lavastone are all pretty stunning. take their wallpaper stylisation collection — one design boasts hand painted wallpaper where paint is used together with white gold leaf and paired with something exotic and beautiful called Jesmonite pieces. file under pop’s projects and installations mirror designer and founder’s josephine akvama hoffmeyer own home — or is it the other way around? (see my earlier morning post to see what i mean). their studio located in Frederiksstaden, a historical part of Copenhagen, is truly inspired and regardless, it’s all quite smashing. you can see and sampling of some of my personal favorites and see more file under pop on the site. oh, there’s some pretty impressive and interesting press here and be sure and follow on instagram, too.