Nestled between London Waterloo and London Bridge, Modus embarked on a mission to expand and refurbish their longstanding client, Joseph Joseph’s workspace, blending innovation and sustainability to accommodate evolving business requirements. Due to the dynamic relationship formed between the Modus design team and Joseph Joseph in 2019 during their initial workspace design, the briefing stage was seamless, setting the project up for success.

The workspace is alive with bold colours and innovative design elements that breathe life into the concept of a sustainable work environment. The wooden walls are more than visual warming, they are a nod to sustainable sourcing and contribute to improved air quality, reaffirming the brand’s eco-friendly ethos. Energy-efficient LED lighting and appliances are woven into the workspace fabric, reducing energy consumption. Biophilic elements throughout the space, such as lush greenery and abundant natural light, create a strong connection between employees and the environment.

Modus’ design focusses on durable materials, and furniture reuse takes centre stage. The teapoint barstools, previously specified without backs in the original setup, received an upgrade with the addition of backs. This seemingly minor modification significantly altered the space’s ambience, introducing a fresh look and feel that enhanced comfort and style. Attention to detail is evident throughout the project, exemplified by the branded manifestations on the meeting room walls which reference Joseph Joseph’s iconic product silhouettes.

The workspace is a tribute to Joseph Joseph’s innovative spirit. With meticulous attention to space, material, and colour, it creates more than just a work environment—it is a celebration of creativity and design ingenuity that resonates with the brand’s dynamic workforce.

Design: Modus Workspace
Contractor: Two
Furniture: Platfform
Photography: Tom Fallon Photography

Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London
Joseph Joseph Offices – London

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