After starting Kaolin Tiles two years ago, cofounders Rita and Anton Bourtsev opened the doors to Kaolin Tiles’ newest showroom with brilliant fanfare. The showroom itself takes anyone’s breath away in its warehouse conversion, with its sleek tile gallery, display booths and a classy bar.
Over two hundred guests were treated to the sights of its new tile gallery, and proudly on display was its stellar winning project of The People’s Choice from 2022 Saturday Indesign.

With cocktails rolling out from its bar and canapes that (almost) stole the night, it was not only a celebration of Kaolin’s grand opening but what the business has achieved over the last few years. Rita and Anton took the stage during the celebrations to impart a few words on Kaolin Tiles and what it will continue to stand for.
Rita explained, “Kaolin’s approach has always been design-focus; as Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Einstein believed his intelligence was never about a specific accumulation of knowledge but rather his ability to be open-minded, curious, and child-like.
“We know creativity comes in many forms, across many fields & cultures. Being part of that process is exciting; we invite you to come in and have fun, be creative, be colourful.”

And her husband and cofounder Anton gave his thanks to the crowd of designers, architects, developers and all those in between, stating, “It is the hallmark of our talented engineers who have devoted themselves to making tiles with perfection and precision. We are always happy to be part of the journey and the expression of our tiles in beautiful spaces.”
The closing act featured a breath-taking aerial performance and an emotional ribbon cutting to crown the night. If the festivities are anything to go by, we cannot wait to see what Kaolin Tiles will do next.

Kaolin Tiles
Leon Chen
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