One of the problems that we can have at home in summer is that with the arrival of the heat, it is more common for bad odours to proliferate in the garbage or the fridge… What you may not have known is that if you have a cat, You have the solution in your hands because its sand can have more uses in the home than you imagine.

Anyone who owns cats knows that both urine and faeces have a very unpleasant and pungent odour. To prevent this bad smell from being intensified by the heat, Sanicat, an expert brand in cat litter, recommends picking up the waste once or even better twice a day, a much easier task thanks to the clumping litter. But best of all, according to the experts, this cat litter is a product that has other excellent qualities that can help us in the most unexpected tasks.
- Get rid of bad odours in the garbage: beyond home remedies as well known as using citrus peels, vinegar or newspapers, cat litter is also a good solution to get rid of bad smells in garbage during summer. To do this, Sanicat, recommend covering the bottom of the rubbish bin with a layer of 2-3 centimetres of sand, which will absorb bad odours and the liquid that the organic material sometimes gives off.
- Deodorizes the fridge: Just like the bad odours in the garbage, litter can also kill bad odours inside the fridge. To do this, a glass of sand must be placed inside with one of the two types of sand that Sanicat recommends.
- Reduces humidity: thanks to its absorbent power, cat litter can also eliminate humidity. To do this, Sanicat recommends putting a little sand in a bag inside the closet or even in other spaces such as the basement, with which you can reduce it.
- Get rid of oil stains: the absorption of cat litter can also be used to clean up spills of oil, grease, paint and other complex liquids to clean. To do this, you have to cover the spilt liquid with a large amount of sand, leave it to act for a few hours to absorb it and the next day brush and sweep.

As you can see, the correct use of cat litter can reduce odours in our pet’s litter tray, but it is possible to get much more out of it thanks to its wide usability. Surely you did not know some of these options and the truth is that they are options that we can take advantage of.
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