airstream built-in seating with blush pink velvet cushions. / sfgirlbybay

have you had fantasies now and then about hopping in an airstream and hitting the open road? yes? me too! i’ve always wanted to cross the country in a vw van, caravan or airstream of some kind — or travel throughout california’s small coastal towns from here down to san diego, baja and then back all the way up to eureka — seeing all that you miss when flying over and just slowly take it all in. but these airstreams — well they’ve taken them to the next level! from pretty posh (see velvet and lucite above) to rustic modern, these are giving me major wanderlust, or at the very least, airstream-envy. they’ve moved beyond what was once just for road trips and made these airstreams very liveable. with the popularity of tiny houses and prefabs, i think this is just another dimension to scaling back and living small — but most certainly in style. i think you’ll be inspired by their small space ingenuity and design sensibility. happy trails!

renovated airstream. / sfgirlbybay

pink velvet cushions and modern throw pillows in renovated airstream. / sfgirlbybay

living small inside renovated airstreams. / sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream with covered deck. / sfgirlbybay

bohemian renovated airstream. / sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream trailer. / sfgirlbybay

cozy bedroom in renovated airstream. / sfgirlbybay

vintage airstream trailer. / sfgirlbybay

modern decor details inside renovated airstream. / sfgirlbybay

hexagon tile backsplash in renovated airstream kitchen. / sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream kitchen. / sfgirlbybay

airstream kitchen decor details. / sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream trailer. / sfgirlbybay

inspiring renovated airstream trailer decor. / sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream trailer kitchen design. /sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream trailer with built-in dining nook. / sfgirlbybay

renovated dining nook in airstream trailer. / sfgirlbybay

bohemian modern remodeled airstream trailer. / sfgirlbybay

renovated airstream trailer with whitewashed interior. / sfgirlbybay

vintage airstream trailer with minimalist deck. / sfgirlbybay

• photography credits in order of appearance: domino; @leantimms via @airstream_dreams; domino;blueberry home; kekexililand; home decoration; domino; a beautiful mess; remodelista; @codycobb; CLOCK; modern getaways; remodelista; @merchantmodern; danielle symes; tiny house talk; tiny house talk; design*sponge; remodelista; tiny house talk; tiny house talk; design*sponge; design*sponge; design*sponge; design*sponge; remodelista; the urbanite; @silchuknest; tiny house talk; domino; palms; design*sponge; atelier doré; remodelista; design*sponge; remodelista; blueberry home; @prettylittefawn; danielle symes; dwell.

The post not your average airstream. appeared first on sfgirlbybay.


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