Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Golden Eagle.” All images © Mark Harvey, shared with permission

Following his portraits of acrobatic birds performing a series of stunts, photographer Mark Harvey turns his focus to the larger, more powerful creatures of the avian species. The new collection, titled Raptors In Flight, centers on birds of prey and their graceful movements while on the hunt. Whether framing a barn owl diving to the ground or a harris hawk splaying its wings, each of the images highlights the raptors’ unique physical features, making the individual details of their feathers, curved beaks, and eyes visible.

Shot with his signature style that applies a hearty dose of drama to the already striking creatures, the photos are shot one at a time in a slow, medium format. “Lighting is a key aspect of my work to help draw out fresh views of well-known subjects, and these birds are no exception, set within an intricate lighting setup to ultimately show the birds in a new light,” Harvey shares. “With their wings spread wide, these top avian predators’ beauty is put on full display.”

Harvey just released 15 limited-edition prints of each subject in his shop, and you can follow his photography practice, which often focuses on horses and dogs, on Instagram.


Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Barn Owl”

Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Great Grey Owl”

Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Snowy Owl”

Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Eagle Owl”

Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Snowy Owl”

Raptors In Flight: Striking Portraits by Mark Harvey Frame Birds of Prey on the Hunt

“Harris Hawk”


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