Jack Pokoj, a lizardfish’s open mouth reveals its last meal, Philippines. All images courtesy of Ocean Photographer of the Year, shared with permission
The waters surrounding the Philippines were fruitful for photographers this year, producing several winning images of the 2023

Jialing Cai, a Paper Nautilus drifts on a piece of ocean debris at night, surrounded by heavy sediment, Philippines

Michael Haluwana, illuminated by the Arctic sun, a polar bear walks across a glacier that is adorned by a waterfall, Arctic

Andrei Savin, a crab sits in the centre of a sea anemone as it sways in ocean current, Philippines

Craig Parry, a gentoo penguin, the fastest penguin species in the world, charges across the water, Antarctica

Sylvie Ayer, a manatee enjoys the crystal-clear waters of the Homosassa River, Florida

Renee Cappozzola, a female paper nautilus with egg case rides a small jellyfish, taken on a blackwater dive, Anilao, Philippines

Florian Ledoux, a polar bear cub contends with the fragility of melting ice, Svalbard, Norway
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