i’m not sure why i was so drawn to sharing these romantic bedrooms, or i should rather say boudoirs, with you today, but i am feeling a little dreamy as i put together this blog post. sometimes your thoughts lead you where your subconscious is already hanging out. or, maybe i’ve just been very influenced by my brief time in france, with high-ceilinged bedrooms and beautiful crown molding. anyway, i digress — i’m just feeling very inspired by these kinds of romantic and really ornate feeling bedrooms. they’re mostly rather maximal, with vintage touches that help create a very cozy vibe. lovely textiles like layered throws, pillows, bedding, and warm pink shades create a very appealing place to lay your head at night. definitely dream-worthy, romantic boudoirs.
• photography credits: click on the image which will take you to its original source. in the case of my collages, the links are listed just below clockwise from left to right.