colorful buildings along a cuban street.  sfgirlbybay

collage vintage.

as you may have seen on instagram, i’m bound for cuba this weekend! some friends and i have booked a trip there for a week with coast to costa tours and i couldn’t be more excited! cuba has long been on my list of places that i’ve wanted to visit, and especially before it changes too much. i want to see it in all its faded glory and meet the people that have made it their home under embargo for more than 50 years. i watched anthony bourdain’s parts unknown on cuba and its fast changing cultural landscape last night and it was quite eye-opening, so i can only image our trip will be as well. we’re going to havana, trinidad and vinales over the course of the week, and will be staying in old colonial, classic Cuban homes. i got a lot of great tips on my instagram post (very helpful if you are headed there anytime soon) but would love any input you may have here, as well. we’ll be popping in with some scheduled posts (with a great giveaway later today!), tomorrow and again next week, but there’s very little in any wifi in cuba so i will be out of touch after tomorrow and see you back here on November 29th. until then, my friends!

inspiring interiors in cuba. / sfgirlbybay

architectural digest’s design lover’s guide to cuba.

cuban ballet dancers in the street. / sfgirlbybay

omar robles photography.

pastel building exteriors in cuba. / sfgirlbybay

collage vintage.

bright pastel buildings in cuba. / sfgirlbybay

trip advisor.

lush cuban landscape. / sfgirlbybay

woman hotnews.



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