countertop filled with lemons in white ceramic bowls. / sfgirlbybay

there is essentially no other reason for this post, other than i was inspired by these images and found myself collecting them on pinterest like some kind of maniacal fruit hoarder. so, there you have it. i’m giving you fruit today but hopefully, you’ll see it as something a little more — some colorful (even healthy!) inspiration. it’s almost summer and my favorite fruits are popping up all over the farmer’s markets and when it’s hot, fruit is all i i ever really crave (with the exception, of course, of margaritas, chips & salsa). i often find food photography just so darn pretty, but we rarely get to share it here, so today, i’ve indulged my inner foodie and gone loopy for fruit. in addition to these images (links just at bottom), you find yourself in need of more eye candy, some of my longtime personal favorite food styling & photography can be found at cannelle et vanille, herriott grace, luisa brimble and sweet paul — you’ll discover some real feasts for the eyes (and bellies) over there.

colorful food styling with assorted fruits, bread and spreads. / sfgirlbybayunique fruits in ceramic bowl. / sfgirlbybayinspiring food styling with assorted fruits. / sfgirlbybayrope tote bag with tiny fruit and peaches on a plate. / sfgirlbybaysimple picnic arranged on white blanket on the beach. / sfgirlbybaycolorful painting on fruit still life. / sfgirlbybaywhite ceramic bowl of freshly cut fruits. / sfgirlbybayorange flowers in white vase, apples in ceramic bowl and tan woven tote. / sfgirlbybaygorgeous fruit styling for overhead photoshoot. / sfgirlbybayfruit in woven basket with handles. / sfgirlbybayinspiring food styling. / sfgirlbybayorange cantaloupe photographed on baby blue background. / sfgirlbybaycolorful fruit painting. / sfgirlbybaycolorful vegetables in robe tote bag. / sfgirlbybaycitrus tree and oranges on white tablecloth. / sfgirlbybayleftover fruit from shoot. / sfgirlbybay

• photo credits in order of appearance: remain simple; tea cup tea; herriott grace; luisa brimble; yummy supper; a detacher at anaise;; artist Léa Maupetit; cannelle et vanille; the socialite family; Handmade Oaxacan Net Bag at the general store; the vamoose; chymo & more; DarioM_72; christelle tanielian; artist Léa Maupetit; french market bag at the general store; butter and brioche; remain simple.


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